(HER) is tonii's debut poetry collection that is uniquely composed to expressed the challenges, emotions, feelings, and conclusions one encounters when pursuing love.
The book is filled with subliminal metaphors and unique word play as the author entangles readers within the romantic, erotic, painful, passionate, and desolate experiences found within, what appears to be, a long term relationship with a woman. As readers progress further into the books pages, the author redefines and refines this relationship with Her to express his found conclusions from his pursuit of love.
tonii not only writes a book but rather creates a literary art piece within the pages of this "all black" book that will take readers on a guided journey through their own experiences and pursuits for love. Using unique book design techniques, tonii gives readers a new reading experience and an aesthetic that will keep readers engaged until the last page.
Book Details
ISBN: 978-0578544380
Paperback: 328 pages
Publisher: ii Publishing
Language: English
Book Dimensions: 5" x 8" x 0.9"
Weight: 15.4 oz
Category: Poetry, Love & Romance, Relationship
(HER) by tonii
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